Visa & Immunisations
Here at AsktheTraveller have teamed up with our partners CIBT to offer you a quick reference widget(below) and information for you to check all your current visa requirements and the best news is by using this widget you can get access to excellent discounts off the normal retail price. When it comes to visas, CIBT are the experts, with offices in 14 countries worldwide and over 50 years experience they know how to secure your next visa. If you have any problems with the widget or wish to ask a question then just give us a call and we can follow up for you.
Immunisations are an important part of travelling these days. It important to be fully briefed and up to date with the latest immunisation advisories and requirements. Please note most immunisations are based on voluntary take up. However, some are as necessary as visas, such as Yellow fever(with certificate). With quite a few countries refusing entry without the correct immunisations. The rules can change, so we advise you check well in advance and cross reference against any you may already have which are still valid. Then we would advise checking 2-4 weeks prior to departure just to be extra safe, as some require a 2 week prior to arrival injection/treatment period.
If you are unsure then just give us a call and we can check all the current up to date information.
Above all don't panic, we are here to help, if you have any doubts just
Organisations whom can give you up to date immunisation advice include:-
Please be advised the information on this page is for guidance only, we strongly recommend you take advice from a visa specialist and consult your nearest immunisation centre and/or GP.
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